Contend Earnestly: When Jesus is Abused

Friday, April 03, 2009

When Jesus is Abused

This preaching is brutal. This "preacher" has decided that instead of preaching the gospel of Christ, he wants to use Christ to make his convictions turn into law. But just because this is so obvious don't think this type of stuff can't happen with you and your convictions. Know that the gospel of Christ is the most important issue behind the pulpit, not your convictions of whether a woman can wear pants or not. When the convictions become greater than the Gospel we have some issues. When we try and preach on why we are right and why some one else of the faith is wrong, to simply make a point, instead of pointing to the glories of Christ and how he saves us from our sin and self righteousness, we have lost sight of why God has called us to preach.

If you are a preacher, you must ask, "Why am I called to preach?" Is it to win sides and debates for my convictions? Or is it to save sinners from themselves to the joys of the cross? When one uses Christ for personal pride, they have twisted the reason of the calling. When Jesus isn't the reason for our preaching, but a sideshow to make a point, we need to repent. I have seen this preacher do the same things with other topics, so this is a trend with him. I will be trying to find out who he is so I can send an email to him to just simply ask him to preach the gospel.

HT: Bob Hayton


Brandon said...

I guess he must have left his soapbox behind the pulpit

Zachary Bartels said...


-wasn't the camping trip fun?-


"That's right."

Zachary Bartels said...

BTW, the saddest thing about this whole deal is that guy has obvious skill as a communicator. If only he would determine to know nothing among his flock but Christ and Him crucified...

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