Best Books of far
So far in 2008 I have read 25 books (2.5 books per month), with two more to be finished within the next day or two. I am not sure if this is a lot, not enough, or whatever. I thought I would give my personal list of the best books that I have read so far this year and then also some books I am looking forward to reading in the next few months. If you want to see all my book reviews, you can check out Contend Earnestly Books.
Best Theological Books of the Year:
1. The Reason for God, Timothy Keller
2. Jesus: Made in America, Stephen J. Nichols
3. God is the Gospel, John Piper
4. Vintage Jesus, Mark Driscoll and Gerry Breshears
5. Why We're Not Emergent, Kevin DeYoung and Ted Kluck
6. A Tale of Two Sons, John MacArthur
7. Simple Church, Thom Rainer & Eric Geiger
8. The Law and Its Fulfillment, Thomas R. Schreiner
9. Death by Suburb, David Goetz
10. Game Day for the Glory of God, Stephen Altrogge
Best Secular Books I Read This Year:
1. Blood Meridian, Cormac McCarthy (book review coming soon)
2. The Road, Cormac McCarthy (book review coming soon)
Books I Will Be Reading in the Next Quarter:
1. Apologetics to the Glory of God, John M. Frame
2. The God Who is There, Francis Schaeffer
3. Escape from Reason, Francis Schaeffer
4. He is There and He is Not Silent, Francis Schaeffer
5. Death by Love, Mark Driscoll and Gerry Breshears
6. Christ and Culture, D.A. Carson
7. No Country for Old Men, Cormac McCarthy
8. Something by David James Duncan
If you would like to check out the different authors' blogs and sites they are listed below:
Timothy Keller
Stephen J. Nichols
John Piper
Mark Dricsoll
Gerry Breshears
Kevin DeYoung
Ted Kluck
John MacArthur
Thom Rainer
Eric Geiger
Thomas Schreiner
David Goetz
Stephen Altrogge
Cormac McCarthy
John M. Frame
Francis Schaeffer
D.A. Carson
David James Duncan
What does one do with one's books after reading so prolifically?
That's just to grab the headline......
As a 50 something who grew up on Banner of Truth books and writers such as Loyd Jones and Schaeffer, I've also appreciated the writings of Piper, Carson and Frame. Also Goldsworthy and Vos have been a help along the way.
However I gave up purchasing many books a few years ago - I've found that I now have a library which is bursting at seams and wonder whether this is good stewardship.
What do you prolific readers do with your books... recycle through bookshops, build bigger barns (sorry slip of the finger) - bookshelves?
Just on another tack... it seems as an Aussie looking on what is happening in USA that there has been a reviving of Reformed teaching..... great! Do you guys know what is happening in some of the darkest countries to the gospel? ie Western Europe? Is it time for missionary journeys into the homelands of the Reformation? (And no we don;t need crazy premillenial dispensationalist baptists to think they can spread their brand of rubbish. Maybe some sound reformed minded evangelicals (of ilke as Dever, of Carson, Piper etc).)
At this point, I just put them on the shelf until further notice. Personally, I let others use them if they would like to or I keep them around when I need to re-study. For me, I wouldn't re-read a fiction book so I usually don't buy those but use a library for them. With theological ones, I continue to use them. I use an index system on my computer so I can try and keep up with what I have.
And, yes, it seems like the Reformed tradition is hitting hard here in the states. I have to admit, I like the way it is gaining steam here as well. Meaning, it is hitting the young'ns, where it is used to engage culture.
Pretty interesting to watch.
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