Contend Earnestly: Reformation Day Study Materials

Friday, October 31, 2008

Reformation Day Study Materials

On this Reformation day, I thought I would provide everyone with some stuff to read and listen to, to help understand the Reformation that started today, 491 years ago. Below are things you can read and listen to now, so you don't have to wait for a book to come in through the mail. Although if you want a book, you can go to Contend Earnestly Books and look under the Reformation and Five Solas tags for some good reads.

For Your Reading Pleasure:

Five Solas of the Reformation (my series on the Solas)

Luther's 95 Theses (started the Reformation)

Luther's 97 Theses (better of the two if you ask me, more theological. Luther put these forth a month before the 95 Thesis and Luther was pissed that this one didn't get more 'hype')

For your listening pleasure:

Martin Luther's Here I Stand (you can download at iTunes for $4.95; below is my review)

This is a pretty cool little audio book. Max McLean is the narrator and this is the least that he does. He presents the material in a very well done manner. He does more than just recite, he gives the impression that it is how Luther would have presented the speech if he were here today recounting this pivotal time.

Track Listing:
1. Introduction
2. The Road to Reformation
3. Luther’s Prayer
4. Here I Stand
5. Eck’s Response to Luther
6. Luther’s Final Response
7. Conclusion
8. Sources and closing comments

The CD starts off by giving some background to what is taking place, in not only the Roman Catholic church, but also in Luther's life. The leading up to the speech takes about 11 minutes, which not only covers the aforementioned material but also the prayer that Luther recited the night before he was to stand and defend his new found understanding of Scripture. Then the time comes to recite the speech that Martin Luther brought forth at the Diet of Worms as he began what we now see as one of the most pivotal times in all of church history.

McLean presents the entirety of not only the speech but even the questioning of Johann Eck, which is when Luther's famous words that ring so true to rebut the questioning being presented was brought forth:

My conscience is captive to the Word of God, I will not recant anything, for to go against conscience is neither honest nor safe. Here I stand, I cannot do otherwise. God help me. Amen.

I would highly recommend this audio book. The speech itself is very emotional to read, but to listen to it with such passion from Mr. McLean is something that I will enjoy for a long time. Link to buy (or you can buy at iTunes)


Anonymous said...

Thanks be to God for saving me a sinner. Thanks be to God for pouring your grace upon grace into Luther et al and for giving them the guts to stand up against the papacy. May God raise up men and women of the gospel who are given voices to proclaim the truth.

Reforming Baptist said...

this year, was the second year that we have celebrated the Reformation on a Sunday Morning service dedicated to remembering that day and thanking God's Providence for his delivering the truth out of the clutches of the Catholic church. God's people must never forget what its like to be in darkness, so that the light will be cherished.

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