Friday, February 22, 2008

The Resurgence Conference

So, I know that I have been away for a little bit. It has been very busy around my office and also getting things kicked off for the new year at my church. I apologize for this and I will get back to the debate soon. I will make sure I email Turretinfan to let him know what is going on so that we can pick back up when I get a chance.

What I also wanted to do is give everyone a heads up that I will be blogging this next week at the National Resurgence Conference: Text & Contenxt. Slated to come and teach are most of the guys that I respect highly around the nation:

John Piper
CJ Mahaney
Matt Chandler
Mark Driscoll

What I plan on doing is some live blogging at the conference to keep everyone in touch. I went to the Resurgence Conference last year with Bruce Ware and was very impressed with Mars Hill's hospitality and can't wait to be with them for three straight days this year. Click below for the schedule of the conference. I will only be there for the Monday thru Wednesday part of the conference being I am not part of the Acts 29 network, nor am I planning on planting a church. Hope you enjoy.

Conference Schedule

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