Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Exposition of Cain and Abel: Part II

The Angry Sinner

God gives Cain a warning the same way He warns all of us, Christian and non-Christian alike.

Look at the events here: Verses 5-7

but for Cain and for his offering He had no regard. So Cain became very angry and his countenance fell. Then the LORD said to Cain, “Why are you angry? And why has your countenance fallen? If you do well, will not your countenance be lifted up? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at your door; and its desire is for you, but you must master it.
Genesis 4:5-7

First, Cain gets angry. Why does he get angry? Does he have any right to be angry? How many of us gets angry when we are punished? Why? Makes no sense. Its our fault! Yet we get angry. So Cain sins, and he gets angry. But notice the passage seems to indicate that he is not angry with himself for his actions but he is angry at God.

Even the Lord asks, “Why are you angry? You’re the one who sinned!”

God then shows quickly that even though Cain sinned that God is a forgiving God. By telling Cain “…if you do well” God is telling Cain that He will forgive Cain, even though Cain has sinned on his own, and is angry at God.

Who is a God like You, who pardons iniquity
And passes over the rebellious act of the remnant of His possession?
He does not retain His anger forever,
Because He delights in unchanging love.
Micah 7:18

Go and proclaim these words toward the north and say,
‘Return, faithless Israel,’ declares the LORD;
‘I will not look upon you in anger.
For I am gracious,’ declares the LORD;
‘I will not be angry forever.
Jeremiah 3:12

This idea of “if you do well” is the same as we would think of the word “repent.” The word repent means to turn from evil and to turn to Christ, to turn to good. That is what God is telling Cain. But He also gives Cain a very stern warning. That, if he continues to sin, it will master him.
It is the same that we see in Romans 6:12.

Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its lusts,
Romans 6:12

God is telling Cain what is happening in the world that Cain cannot see. God tells him what is later revealed in 1 Peter 5:8 and that is Satan is like a roaming lion, looking for someone to devour. God gives Cain a warning so that he will not fall into the temptation of his sin of anger. Christ tells us if you have anger in your heart what is that to God? It is murder.

Here, like Christ, God is telling this seemingly face to face with Cain. Think about our lives that we lead. 1 John 2:15-17 tells us not to love the things of the world, specifically John is speaking of lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life. Why do you think John tells us this?

What in your life adds to your sin? What in your life makes you dwell on the things not of God that are not moral? Some of these things might not even be bad things, but are you putting them above God? Have you made them an idol in your life? You know what it is in your life. This is what God is specifically telling Cain, put this anger behind you or it will devour you and you will die in your sin. This is the reason for this post. If you have made an idol out of anything, you will not be able to live a life in complete joy for Christ but your focus will be on that one thing or things.

For me, the most dangerous things for my idols are my family and my business. I have to constantly check myself to make sure that if I truly lost those things, that I would still have joy in Christ. Take what you love, if it was gone for the rest of your life tomorrow, would you have joy? If not, this thing has mastered you.

Let’s read the end here and you will see that this anger mastered Cain.

Cain told Abel his brother. And it came about when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother and killed him.
Genesis 4:8

Cain didn’t heed God’s words, didn’t think they were important, and everyday that you and I allow an idol in our life to continue, or a sin to continue, we do the same thing, and it will one day master us.


  1. What is this business? “Why are you angry? And why has your countenance fallen? If you do well, will not your countenance be lifted up? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at your door; and its desire is for you, but you must master it." Could Cain have mastered sin? Could he have done well? That's what it says.

  2. This is God's command to repent. He does so also with the entire human race.

    Could he have repented?, because God forordained it this way. It is like asking "Could have Jesus decided to not go to the cross?"

    These are questions that really need not answering.

    God commanded Cain to repent or sin would master him. Cain was given warning and yet decided, because he is corrupt, to murder his brother.

    Easy to understand theologically, hard to understand practically.

    Know that God is in control but that doesn't release us from our responsibility. If we keep that in the forefront of our minds we will not stop from serving our God.

  3. Could he have repented?, because God forordained it this way.

    So when God spoke right to him directly and audibly and said "If you do well, will not your countenance be lifted up?" he was leading Cain to beleive that he had the power to do something he didn't have the power to do? God was deceiving him?

    "And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at your door; and its desire is for you, but you must master it." He told him this, lying because he had made him zunable to master it?

    "These are questions that really need not answering." No, these are questions that need answering, as the answers separate the blasphemer from the glorifier. The blasphemer makes God a liar, makes God to tell Cain he could master sin while secretly decreeing him into inability.

    "If we keep that in the forefront of our minds we will not stop from serving our God." If Cain couldn't really master sin even though God told him he could, what makes you think we have any ability to keep or not keep anything in the forefront of our minds?`

  4. It doesn't make God a liar...

    Let me ask you this:

    God says, "Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect."

    Do you believe in perfectionism?

    If not...then God is requiring something that is impossible...

    He also tells Pharoah to "let my people go" even though God alreay said that Pharoah wouldn't listen and allow them to go because God had hardened his heart.

    Keep working out your theology and be careful of calling me a blasphemer...

    False accusations against a brother is very serious offense.

  5. by the way, "anonymous" since I know that you in reality egomarkarios, since I tracked you down on my stat counter and you continue to just come and accuse people who are supposed to be your brothers in Christ as blasphemers...all of your comments will from now on be deleted...

    Funny how I comment on your blog and you don't allow it, yet you deceive on my really have some issues you need to work out if this seems okay with your walk with God. I have yet to try and deceive in any way, yet continually are told by you that I am a blasphemer and you try and "hide" behind "anonymous" No longer...go somewhere else to spread your deception


  6. This comment has been removed by the author.
