Tuesday, August 07, 2007


To piggy back off of yesterday's post, below are some of the sites I visit most frequently. Some of them do have the option to Podcast. Any preachers or sites that you know of that would be good to work into the rotation? Let us know!

Taylor Creek Church - we'll start with what is closest to home. Both Seth and I (and our families) have experienced more spiritual growth here than anywhere else in our Christian walks. You can find sermons from our Pastor, Jason Katen, as well as Seth and I at this site. Podcast available!

Christ Fellowship Baptist Church; Steve Lawson. This man will spur you on to preach with passion. Podcasts here as well.

Art Azurdia; Art was the preacher for our family camp at Lakeside Bible camp last summer. A great preacher as well.

Countryside Bible Church - this is the church that I had mentioned in my post yesterday; Tom Pennington. Rocky Wyatt, his Associate Pastor, has filled our pulpit as well, and is a man who loves the word of God. They do Podcast as well.

Desiring God; John Piper - free downloads. OnePlace is also a great resource for many other ministries and their audio sermons.

Grace Immanuel Bible Church; Jerry Wragg. Jerry used to be the personal assistant to John Macarthur. He was also the shepherd of our Sunday School class when we attended Grace.

Grace Life; a ministry of Grace Community Church. This is the preaching ministry of both Phil Johnson and Don Green. Excellent. Podcast on site.

I have others, but those are the ones that make the weekly rotation (as best I can!). Let us know what you like to listen to.


  1. Thank you for the links!


  2. Some of my favorites are Mars Hill Church Sermon Audio podcast, which is Mark Driscoll's weekly teaching and The Village Church which is Matt Chandler's weekly sermon. Also, Covenant Life Church has a weekly podcast, they have a rotation for preaching on Sunday that includes C.J. Mahaney and Joshua Harris. Those are three of my favorites.... Also, The Resurgence has a great podcast. Tim Keller is great as well, but you have to purchase his sermons at $2.50 each through www.redeemer.com. His marriage series is outstanding, definitely something worth checking out.

  3. Josh, Juan, no problem! Enjoy and be fed, as I have been (greatly).

    Jake, thanks for the tip! Seth has mentioned these men to me as well, but I have not been able to listen to too much yet.

    As a friend of mine says "It's a great time to be alive!"
