Friday, August 03, 2007

Mission Trip

As of tomorrow at 6:00am PST I will be on a plane down to Mission, Texas for a mission's trip. I will be leading a team of 7 youth and 2 other adults, in a time of service projects, Vacation Bible School and street evangelism. We will be staying in Mission, Texas and then heading over the border into Mexico each day where we will be doing the evangelism and VBS. Please be praying for us. I will be gone until Saturday, August 11th but Justin has promised to keep the blog going for next week. When I return I will start again on the series of the Five Points of Calvinism and then possibly a blog war with my other blog and friends at Theology Online on the affirmation of the literal 1000 year kingdom. Should be fun.

Below are some pictures of the pastors we'll be helping down in Mexico. Thanks for the prayers ahead of time.

First, is Duane and Marilyn Gibson. They are head of the mission that we will be visiting and they will be leading us into Mexico each day. These people have been servants for many years for the cause of the spread of the Gospel. Here is the link to their website: International Evangel Heralds.

We will be doing a week long Vacation Bible School at Christ the Rock Baptist Church with Pastor Jose Perez and his wife Lucy Perez. Below is their picture and below that is a picture of their church.

We will also be doing some special projects at Berachah Baptist Church for Pastor Julio Olvera and his wife Eliza Olvera. Below is their picture and below that is their church.


  1. Seth,

    You will be in my prayers. My wife has been fortunate to go to Ecuador three times and minister to the natives. She loved the opportunity to work and minister in that country. We are planning in the next couple of years to go there together.

    Be safe and may God bless your trip.

  2. Godspeed Seth. My prayers are with you. May God's elect be saved, and his Son glorified.
