Sunday, August 19, 2007

Faith Like a Child

Every night when my 4 year old son goes to sleep I spend some time reading him a Bible story, going over theology and then ending on prayer requests and prayer. Some of the things that I have covered with him are the atonement, the Trinity, repentance and the inspired Word, etc. It is a great time of devotion with my son. The other night as we were sharing our prayer requests my son said, "Dad, pray that I would not go to hell." To a father, this could not have been a better request to pray for. I asked him to tell me how he can avoid hell. To that, he said, "I have to be obedient." I corrected him and said that we need to repent. To that my son said, "Yeah, we need to turn from sin and run to Christ!" I said, "yes, that is exactly right." I then asked him to tell me about the atonement and he did, and we were able to pray that God would continue to work on my son's heart. It was a great evening, like they all are, with my little son, as we spoke about the great and glorious things of our Father.

Soli Deo Gloria

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