Thursday, August 09, 2007

Dead Sea Scrolls

Thank you Seth, for bailing me out yesterday. As my best excuse, I actually thought I had already blogged for the day. But at about 10:30, it occurred to me that it was WEDNESDAY and not Tuesday. Jumping on to the blog, I saw Seth's post. Man, he's hard core!


I had the once-in-a-life-time opportunity last October to take our College/Career group to see the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit at the Pacific Science Center. In God's timing, we were in the midst of our study through the book of Psalms which was one of the displays at the Science Center. And this event was actually where Seth and I came up with the idea for our logo, as I had scrolls on the brain at the time!

It was the first time the scrolls had been outside of Israel, and the visit proved to be more than worth our time. A great reminder of how faithful the Lord has been to preserve His word. We realize that the Scrolls do not make the Scriptures inspired, but show them to be inspired.

One of my Professors I had while attending The Master's Seminary is a man by the name of Dr. William Barrick. He recently preached a sermon about the historical background of this amazing find. You can listen to it by clicking here. And, you can get other papers and sermons on his site.

If the exhibit comes even remotely close to your location, you need to go. And listening to Dr. Barrick is something I wish I had access to before our viewing. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Nice post Justin. You might also be interested in letting your group know about an upcoming lecture in Bellingham, Washington by Dr. Peter Flint of the Dead Sea Scrolls Instititue at Trinity Western University. Dr. Flint was one of the speakers that you heard on the audio tour at the Pacific Science Center exhibit on the scrolls. You can find more information about this free lecture at
