Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Loving the Lost

I found this at Irish Calvinist and it really hits hard. May we all continue to seek and save the lost, and see them in the way that Christ did: Dead and in need of a Saviour.

In this vein I was struck by Alex Montoya’s words in his helpful book, Preaching with Passion. Montoya is a professor at The Master’s Seminary in Sun Valley, CA.

Montoya writing in the context of losing compassion for people:

“That is when I retreat to a small taco stand in the barrio of East Los Angeles, to a place where real people live. I order a cup of coffee and sit with my back against the wall. Then I watch, I observe, I read, and I listen intently for the heart cry.

A group of gang-bangers come in for a snack—one in four will die before the age of eighteen; two of the others will end up in prison. All are doomed to a hard life. A young mother comes in with her brood of youngsters. It is obvious they are poor. They share drinks. They live in poverty; some will never see a forest or snow. An old drunk staggers in, begging for a meal. He is quickly thrown out. That was somebody’s baby boy. A mother at one time cradled that man and nursed him….I look, I listen until I hear their cries, until their souls cry out to me, “Please help, I’m perishing!” until the tears pour forth from my melted heart! I am in love with humanity once again.”


  1. That's an interesting perspective that Montoya articulated. I have often seen people just like that; someone's kid, sibling, parent, etc.

    It's one of the more fascinating apsects of my snactification...the ability to view people like that.

  2. Seth,
    Great quotes to pass along on loving the lost and hurting. One of the reasons I love the Puritans and their Scottish successors is that they shared the view Montoya articulated. Oh that the Lord would prick our hearts more often for the sake of humanity.

  3. That's exactly what the beginning of Ephesians 2 is pointing out. We were all dead until Christ is His mercy saved us. Now if we could just look around and see dead people perhaps we'd have less frustration and more compassion in our lives.

  4. I am using Montoya's quote tomorrow in a teaching on the gift of evangelism...I just hope I can hold it together when I deliver it...

  5. I ordered the CD from Shepherd's Conference of Montoya's session on preaching with passion. It greatly challenged me, i didn't know he had written on it.

  6. the other team member on this blog, Tony is currently going to Master's (that's why you don't hear from him much) really likes Montoya a lot.

    I have yet to hear anything from him, should probably listen to him, especially after this kind of quote...
