Monday, January 15, 2007

Dueling Blogs

Just wanted all to know that starting this Saturday I, Seth, will be "dueling" with Josh from Theology Online in dealing with eschatology. Josh and I have discussed many things over the internet and have enjoyed sharing instead of quarreling over matters. Josh emailed me and invited me to do something that I have never done, dueling blog posts. It should be interesting and I hope that no one, meaning commenters, will deal with this issue in a hateful manner. Be on your best behavior and know that I have a great deal of respect for Josh in our differences in the past. We are going to start our discussion on Pre-Trib vs. Post-Trib rapture. I hope you all enjoy and in the meantime check out a great series on Bible Versions on Theology Online from Larry (Theologian).


  1. Hello Seth: Love your family photo. I think it's yours anyway. If so, you have a handsome family. If not, someone else does. Hee hee. How do I get to the blog where you and Josh are dueling? selahV

  2. selahV...good to see you here!!! Been while since I went over to Peter site and commented...

    We had to postpone the dueling blogs for a little bit...I have been super busy...but the blogs will be on this site and Josh's site over at theology online.

    And that is a picture of Josh's family.
