Monday, September 11, 2006

California Here He Comes!

Our friend, brother and fellow blogger is leaving us! Tony has been called by the Lord to head to Seminary in Southern California. This is a short blog, but I wanted to say that we are so excited for you, Tony. It's always hard to see those with whom we are so like-minded leave (geographically, speaking). But we are confident that the Lord builds His church.

Just one request from the lowly Non-Semmer's up in the dark Non Bible Belt Northwest (see Seth, I agree!): Keep blogging, as you are able! Even if its a copy and paste of scribbled notes from Barrick, Essex or Thomas' class, that will be enough to keep on feeding us. (and as a side, selfish note…take all your notes on your laptop and email me weekly!!)

Have fun, study hard, and prepare for His work. May the Lord bless you and your family.

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