California Here He Comes!
Our friend, brother and fellow blogger is leaving us! Tony has been called by the Lord to head to Seminary in Southern California. This is a short blog, but I wanted to say that we are so excited for you, Tony. It's always hard to see those with whom we are so like-minded leave (geographically, speaking). But we are confident that the Lord builds His church.
Just one request from the lowly Non-Semmer's up in the dark Non Bible Belt Northwest (see Seth, I agree!): Keep blogging, as you are able! Even if its a copy and paste of scribbled notes from Barrick, Essex or Thomas' class, that will be enough to keep on feeding us. (and as a side, selfish note…take all your notes on your laptop and email me weekly!!)
Have fun, study hard, and prepare for His work. May the Lord bless you and your family.